
Goat Idols

Leviticus 17:7 - They must no longer offer any of their sacrifices to the goat idols to whom they prostitute themselves. This is to be a lasting ordinance for them and for the generations to come.

I wonder how long such sacrifices had been going on. Doesn't it seem strange that this was still going on even after all that had happened to Israel since leaving Egypt, including the building of the tabernacle? How could some people still think it was okay to sacrifice to goat idols (or possibly demons)? Was this an idea promoted by some of the aliens (non-Israelites) who were traveling with the group? No matter who it was, how could they fly in the face of God's laws so blatantly that he even had to make a rule specifically forbidding this practice?

It's not like anyone does that today, is it? Hm.

I'm curious. Could you please tell me what brought you to this page by mentioning it in a comment? I won't publish the comment, if you ask me not to.


  1. Hello, Gary. I got to your page by searching for "goat idols" after reading Leviticus 17:7. I was curious to know if anyone has connected these goat idols to the golden calf crafted by Aaron. Haven't seen anything yet. Publish or not, it is up to you.

  2. There's no connection that I'm aware of. That's not to say there isn't one though.

  3. Just reading this passage in my quite time. forhimforever.com
