

Genesis 5:27 - Altogether, Methuselah lived 969 years, and then he died.

Most people who know something about the Bible (and many who do not) will probably have heard the name Methuselah and recognize it as the name of the oldest man in the Bible. He is not, however, given credit as the oldest person ever to have lived. I wonder who that was. And how long did he or she live? My guess is well over 1000 years.

You have trouble imagining eternity? Me too. But then I have trouble imagining 900+ years on earth too. Nowadays anything over 100 is amazing. Could you imagine having been alive to see the Battle or Hastings? It occurred a mere 940 years ago. Besides not having indoor plumbing for many centuries, another down side of such a long life would have been living through the Middle Ages. It might not have been too bad if you were among the nobility. Point is: That's a long, long, long time to live.

How many jobs does a 900-year-old have in his lifetime? I've heard that the average these days is seven. Over 900 years, was is more like 70? Talk about a jack-of-all-trades!

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