
Shaving for the Dead

Deuteronomy 14:1-2 - You are the children of the LORD your God. Do not cut yourselves or shave the front of your heads for the dead, for you are a people holy to the LORD your God. Out of all the peoples on the face of the earth, the LORD has chosen you to be his treasured possession.

I'm guessing that some culture, some people from nearby the Israelites (or perhaps the Egyptians), had the practice of shaving the front of the head for the dead. I wonder whose practice it was, who thought of the idea in the first place, and why they thought it was a good thing to do for the dead. What purpose did they think it would serve for the dead? Or was it a sign of mourning -- perhaps with something else added to it that displeased God?

Did a barber think of it first?

I'm curious. Could you please tell me what brought you to this page by mentioning it in a comment? I won't publish the comment, if you ask me not to.

1 comment:

  1. Just the same thoughts which made you think made me think during my Quiet time especially being in an Indian context it automatically made me think...Verse 2 says "... you are a people Holy to GOD" so should be some sort of unholiness associated with that?? Just like you guessing some probably witchcraft or sorcery for the dead souls?? Two things the Lord is very strong against and more asociated with the then middle east... let me search...may be it still can throw some light to identify some of our present days "Glorified Witchcraft" and "Glorified sorcery" which we would have missed...
