
The sacred raisin-cakes

Hosea 3:1 - The LORD said to me, "Go, show your love to your wife again, though she is loved by another and is an adulteress. Love her as the LORD loves the Israelites, though they turn to other gods and love the sacred raisin-cakes."

I wonder who first decided to make raisin-cakes a sacred object. [Insert your favorite Monty Python sketch here and substitute raisin-cakes for the main topic.] Or...

Shekaniah: Rules, rules, rules. What's next...holy raisin-cakes?


Shekaniah: No, I was kidding. Kid-ding!

I'm curious. Could you please tell me what brought you to this page by mentioning it in a comment? I won't publish the comment, if you ask me not to.


  1. Yeah, I was reading my bible like I always do and I just wanted to know where I could find some raisin cakes as a gag gift for one of my friends. I typed in "sacred raisin cakes" to my browser and clicked on this link just to see what anyone else thought of the random insertion of that one particular sin into the book of Hosea. Why not prostitution itself or murder or the coveting of one's neighbor's wife? Why was THIS act of idolatry one that made it into the bible as the example of evil for the Israelites? NEway, I just wanted to buy some raisin cakes for myself and my friend. That's all.

  2. Heather12:08 AM

    Just wondering what the significance is. Listening to a sermon on Hosea at the moment, and just mentioned sacred raisin cakes :)

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    The "sacred raisin cakes" were an element of the worship of Astarte during the feast of Tammuz. The Babylonian Astarte was lifted from Semiramis, consort of Nimrod. The raisin cakes were made using the amanita muscaria, a common mushroom (you know it as the redcap.) It's poisonous, but when processed in a certain way it makes a compound that stimulated the pineal gland and caused an intense religious experience. So in short, the sacred raisin cakes would send the user on a drug-induced trip, a fake religious experience. Jeremiah spoke against this form of worship in chapter 7 (along with Hosea, et al.) You can search "Tammuz worship" for more details on both the feast of Tammuz and the inclusion of raisin cakes in pagan religious rites.

  4. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Great answer anonymous! Thank you!

  5. Christina1:43 PM

    Thank you for your answer!! Amanitas in the cakes, crazy

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    After reading Hosea 3, I googled "what's raisin cakes"?
