

Proverbs 19:11 - A man's wisdom gives him patience;
it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

Do you know any patient people? How many? How about impatient people? In general, which are there more of? I see more impatient folk.

Since it's wisdom that gives patience, is it fair to say there's a lot of foolishness going on? Wisdom isn't the only thing that can lead to patience, so that tempers the number of fools somewhat.

The type of patience spoken of here is what's needed when you've been wronged. What's your first reaction when you've been hurt, cheated, dis'd? Do you choose to patiently overlook the offense? You may be wise to do so sometimes; it could be to your glory, your benefit.

I wonder how often Solomon got to exercise this kind of patience? What were the offenses he chose to overlook? I'm guessing some were the same ones I might -- even though he was king, and I never will be.

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