

Genesis 32:1 - Jacob also went on his way, and the angels of God met him. When Jacob saw them, he said, "This is the camp of God!" So he named that place Mahanaim.

I wonder how many angels there were. How many would Jacob have needed to see before he would have considered it a camp-full?

Could the rest of his family and servants see them too?

Why did they come to meet Jacob? Did any of them talk to him? Did he talk to them?

Angels are God's servants, his messengers. Did they deliver a message to Jacob? As God's servants, it seems a large portion of their duties, in addition to the messenger function, involves protecting man. Were they there to protect Jacob's camp? Was their very presence simply meant to comfort and reassure Jacob of God's presence and protection?

How did Jacob know they were angels? Was their form not exactly human? Were they winged? Did God reveal to him that they were angels?

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